How to wear makeup with eyelash extensions

If you have eyelash extensions or your clients are asking, “How do you wear makeup with eyelash extensions?” The answer, you don’t—just kidding! Of course it is always going to be better for retention to avoid certain products on or around your lashes but I get it, I’m a makeup junkie, too. There are a few rules to keep in mind in order to keep your lashes safe and long lasting! This is also great advice to pass on to your makeup wearing clients.

Check the IngredientsAlways read your labels! You want to avoid oily or waxy products on your eyelids and under eyes. In addition to oil free makeup you want to make sure your makeup remover and skin care regimen follows the same rules. 

Never MascaraNo mascara. Period. This is a tough one for some people but isn’t that the point of eyelash extensions? Not having to wear mascara. Mascara will simply break down the adhesive bond and destroy fluffy fans. Don’t toss your favorite mascara just yet, mascara on your bottom lashes is okay! Instead, use a clean eyelash wand and brush your lashes daily.

Use Eyeliner with CautionWhen applying eyeliner place the product above your lashes and avoid eyeliner on the inside of your waterline to prevent snagging the bases of your lashes. My personal tip for eyeliner is to use Lash Essential’s water based liner or an eye shadow/powder liner with a fine point brush.

Don’t TouchAvoid actually touching the lashes with any product. This applies to primers, eye shadows, concealers, foundations, lotion, etc. And while we’re talking about products to avoid, avoid waterproof makeup—it’s more resistant to removal.

Wash, Wash, Wash!Wash your eyelashes! It’s important to clean your lashes frequently whether you’re wearing makeup or not but if you do wear makeup, wash your lashes daily. I love our Lux Lash Wash because it gets the job done while still being gentle. 

Don’t be afraid to use makeup in addition to your eyelash extensions! Taking the extra time and following these simple guidelines will make all the difference!

Kourtnie Warden

Certified Lash Extension Artist and Educator.

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