You’ve found the right artist, you’ve admired their work, and you’re ready to schedule an appointment—now what? Believe it or not there is a right way to inquire about an appointment. As lash artists we know that clients may not always send all the information in the initial inquiry, so this information can be used as a guide to asking the right follow up questions before scheduling an appointment.
What is your name?
There’s a red flag feeling whenever I receive a new client message that reads “how much?” No name. No greeting. No context. I appreciate the message so much more when there is a name attached. Personally, these messages get looked over compared to a message with some information. If I receive an unnamed message this is the first thing I ask!
How did you hear about me?
Another piece of information that makes me more willing to book a new client is if I know where they came from. Instagram? Client referral? Someone on the street? Similar to a lot of seasoned artists, I am at a point in my business where I only take on referrals so if a referral reaches out and doesn’t explain how they heard about me I might be reluctant to schedule. Because I am stricter with scheduling new clients I tell all of my clients and anyone “asking for a friend” to let the potential client know to include this information in their first message.
What do you want?
It’s helpful if we can establish what service is being looked for right off the bat. It’s understandable that clients may not know all of the terms but it can be as simple as distinguishing between wanting a full set, a fill, or a removal.
What is your schedule?
This small piece of information isn’t necessarily a must during the initial inquiry but it can become a deal breaker if it’s not discussed until the end. I’ve had potential clients reach out and we discuss back and forth only to realize their only availability is during my day off. It’s also important as the artist to communicate if you have limited availability.
Have Patience!
My last piece of information is not a question but a tip for potential clients. Most of us as lash artists are one man bands using our personal phones for business communication, so if you text in the middle of the night, early mornings, holidays, weekends, or anytime beyond standard business hours be patient waiting for a response! For lash artists, I suggest having your business hours clearly stated!