As lash artists we’ve heard it all, we’ve been the target of false claims, and we’ve likely dealt with a client that knows everything. The best way to prevent misinformation from spreading is to always be educating our clients! We need to bust those myths once and for all. Today’s post covers all the eyelash extension myths I’ve heard over and over again.  

“Eyelash extensions ruin natural lashes” “Eyelash extensions make your natural lashes shorter”

FALSE and FALSE. This is probably the most common myth being told about eyelash extensions. Can extensions ruin your natural lashes? Yes, of course.  BUT that is only true with improper application and technique. This is why it’s important to educate clients and to only deliver good quality work that will keep their natural lashes healthy and strong. 

“You should take a break from eyelash extensions”

FALSE. You can take breaks from eyelash extensions to fit your needs but you do not need to take breaks in order to continue having extensions. Again, it’s allllllll about proper application! Because if you ask me, I’m never taking a break! 

“Don’t get your lashes wet, ever” 

FALSE. Please get your lashes wet, actually. This myth has been busted over and over but I continue to hear it and cringe. Artists may recommend a curing period such as 24 hours but you should always keep your lashes squeaky clean. Once again, educate your clients! 

“Volume is too heavy”  

FALSE. Volume fans can actually weigh less than a single classic eyelash. I think the biggest message our clients need to learn is that any of these myths could be true with an artist that is not practicing proper application. I’ve had clients be afraid of volume because they were told if one fan falls out you will be left with a large gap when in reality the fan is only placed on one isolated eyelash. 

“It’s okay to wear mascara when I need a fill”

FALSE. Unless your talking about an extension safe mascara, mascara should not be worn over extensions. I know in desperate times it can be tempting but if you are looking for longevity in your retention avoid mascara! Most of the time clients who think they are removing their mascara fully are really not leaving less time for their artist to actually apply lashes. 

Kourtnie Warden

Certified Lash Extension Artist and Educator.


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