It’s finally spring! But what does that mean for our lashes/our client’s lashes? Shed cycles are faster in the warmer months and it’s possible that you are already noticing your client’s shedding lashes  more frequently. It is common to go through a heavier shed during the change of seasons. Knowing the different phases of lashes will help us better understand our natural lash cycles. By identifying which phase an eyelash is in we are able to apply the correct extensions for keeping lashes healthy. 

Every lash is on its own cycle. There are three phases in the growth cycle, Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen. Lets break it down:

Anagen Stage AKA the growth phase. In the anagen phase lashes are actively growing. Lashes continue to grow until they reach a specific length where they stop growing. At any given time, about 40% of lashes are in the anagen stage. 

Catagen Stage is the transition phase of an eyelash. This is after the eyelash has reached it’s full length and is no longer growing. The eyelash is not actively growing, but the follicle is beginning to shrink. If a natural eyelash is removed or falls out during the catagen stage it will not start to re-grow until the phase is complete. 

Telogen or resting stage is when the eyelash stays attached but does not grow. When an eyelash completes the telogen phase it will be pushed out by a new lash. Typically an eyelash in the telogen phase has a thinner and lighter base at the lash line. 

As I mentioned above, changes in season can cause a lash shed and the warmer months create shorter lash cycles. Our lashes are constantly going through these three phases creating a lash cycle but other things such as hormones, age, and medication can cause a change in our lash cycles. Pay attention to your client’s lash phases! 

Kourtnie Warden

Certified Lash Extension Artist and Educator.

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