Welcome back for round two of the lash dictionary! You can find the first list of terms here. I know first hand that lash terms can get confusing and intertwined. I have gathered another round of words that sometimes need extra explaining. This is helpful for us as artists, but also to better answer our client’s questions.
SHOCK POLYMERIZATION: I covered the word “blooming” in the last terms list, but shock polymerization is another term for describing what happens when the adhesive is exposed to too much moisture before it has properly cured.
OXIDIZE: The term oxidize means to combine chemically with oxygen. In lash terms, we talk about adhesive oxidizing after it has been exposed to oxygen for too long. Pay attention to your adhesive when it comes out of the bottle because it can oxidize over time with frequent opening and closing. Another example is your glue dot needs to be replaced frequently because it will become tacky from oxidizing!
VISCOSITY: Defined by the state of being thick, sticky, and semifluid in consistency, due to internal friction. Different adhesives will have different levels of viscosity, and it comes down to personal preference.
COVERAGE: The amount or percentage of lashes that are covered. Strive for 100% coverage of healthy lashes depending on the desired look.
SWEET SPOT: In the lash world, the sweet spot can be referred to two things. 1. The spot that you pick up your lash, depending on the tweezer. 2. The amount of glue you pick up.
LASH LINE: The lash line is where the natural lashes meet the eyelid. Lashers frequently say, “look at that dark lash line.’' Meaning the lashes are so full the lash line appears darker.
WRAPPING: A volume technique where the base of the fan is locked and wrapped around the natural lash. This is an advanced technique achieved by placing and wiggling the fan to wiggle.
STICKIES: Stickies are when the lash extensions “stick” to their neighboring eyelash because they were applied before the adhesive could start curing. Always check for stickies by re-separating each lash at the end of the appointment.
TAPE-UP: A method to better isolate the bottom eyelash layer. It is achieved by using a de-tacked piece of tape and lifting up the top layer of eyelashes that have extensions applied.
BANANA PEEL : A technique used to remove an extension from the natural lash. By grabbing the natural lash with one tweezer and the extension with the other, start peeling them apart from eachother.
FAN: This is a more basic term in lash talk, But I’m frequently reminded that clients especially can be confused by the term. A fan is more than one extension spread out into a fan and connected at the base.