One of the easiest things to say “I’ll remember and do that later” is taking client notes but in reality, you move on to your next appointment and forget everything you were supposed to remember. Whenever I take the time to take notes after an appointment my future self thanks me for it. If you are short on time, jot down a few important points and fill in the details later. Client notes will improve your consistency, your client relationships, and save you time in the long run—especially after the initial first full set! We’ve touched on client notes in our “post appointment” post, but now I’m diving into the details of all the things you should be taking notes on! You can find an app to organize your client information, write it down hard copy style, or like me and use my booking system to add notes. 

Basic Information 

At the time of booking I gather my client’s first and last name and phone number. If for some reason I don’t have this information I ask for it during the appointment and update my client’s profile. Some artists may run special promotions based on referrals or birthdays so this information would also fall in this category. 

Lash Details

The most important part of client notes—the lash deets. I make note of what curl, length, diameter, and general mapping. I also include if I mixed lengths or curls and any important translations. I always think I’ll remember or I’ll be able to figure it out but it makes appointments run smoother if I know for sure what I’m doing. It’s a good idea to also include notes on the state of their natural lashes. 

Personal Notes 

This one will set you a part as a lash artist. Take notes of your conversation so you can bring it up again. What do they enjoy talking about? How are their children doing? How was their last vacation? Did they finish that book they were reading? It’s the small things that they will appreciate. It can be nice to glance at your notes and get a quick refresher and give you that customer service edge. 


Do you have clients that are constantly changing up their lash styles? Or even long term clients that are consistent in their style but recently made a change? This is where my memory needs the most help! I always write down updates such as, “Switched from cc to d curl.” “Added length at the end.” “Doesn’t like full inner corners.” This is especially helpful when your fine tuning a set for your particular or tricky clients. 

Things to Remember 

I practice this in just about all areas of life because let’s face it if I don’t write it down I’m probably going to forget it. This is the part of my notes where I just add anything else of importance. “Client doesn’t like eye pads only use tape.” “Client runs oily she needs a double cleanse.” “Fan for extra time because she’s watery.” Just general notes that are customized for your client that make all the difference. 

Kourtnie Warden

Certified Lash Extension Artist and Educator.

Full Sets 101


Five Business Do’s